1. Dataset loading *
2. Effect size measure
3. Presentation format
4. Hierarchy in computations

Input data placed at the top of this table will be prioritized when estimating effect sizes (only needed when some studies have overlapping input data)

ANOVA statistics, Student's t-test, or point-bis correlation
ANCOVA statistics, adjusted Cohen's d/eta-squared
Contingency (2x2) table or proportions
From plot: means and dispersion (crude)
From plot: adjusted means and dispersion (adjusted)
ES: Hedges' g or Cohen's d (crude)
ES: Odds Ratio (and dispersion)
ES: Pearson's r or Fisher's z
ES: Risk Ratio and dispersion
Mean difference and dispersion (crude)
Mean difference and dispersion (adjusted)
Means and dispersion (crude)
Means and dispersion (adjusted)
Median, range and/or interquartile range
Number of cases and time of observation
Paired: pre-post means or mean change, and dispersion
Paired: Paired F- or t-test
Phi or chi-square
(Un-)Standardized regression coefficient
User's input (crude)
User's input (adjusted)
5. Run calculations


Results of the calculations
Forest plot
Box plot
Lolipop plot
1. Description of the section.
This Tab 2. aggregates dependent effect size of a dataset using the procedure described by Borenstein et al. (2009). If the dependent effect sizes are generated by the same participants, select the option 'Borenstein - outcomes'. If the dependent effect sizes are generated by different participants, select the option 'Borenstein - subgroups'.
2. Select the dataset used.
3. Select the aggregating procedure
4. Select the appropriate columns of your dataset
5. Select how additional columns should be resumed

Results of the aggregating procedure
1. Description of the section.
Load the two datasets you want to compare. If your datasets contain many rows and many columns, the ouput may takes a few minutes to appear. If the delay is too long, you can speed up the process by restricting the comparison to some columns.
Dataset 1.
Dataset 2.
Dataset 1.
Dataset 2.

Results of the comparison.